
Last modified by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) on 2013/06/20

Blog - Development - posts for May 2016

May 17 2016

XWiki Big Data with Elastic Search

Update Nov 2016: we published an extension to integrate Elasticsearch and Kibana4 into XWiki.

Almost two years ago, in the XWiki open source community, we needed to learn how many XWiki users we actually had and understand a bit better our user base. For this we decided to implement a big data system allowing to get information about the XWiki open source installs, all anonymously of course. ...

May 13 2016

XWiki Development Practices seen by XWiki SAS

Vincent Massol has held an internal training at XWiki SAS about the Development Practices used by the XWiki SAS product team in charge of developing the XWiki open source project (among other projects). Most of the practices detailed are those from the XWiki open source project, defined on the dev subwiki. However the slides also provide a glimpse of other development practices that are used to complement the open source practices, such as Roadmap preparation and Stakeholder meetings. ...

May 03 2016

Bye Bye CLIRR, Welcome Revapi!

Vincent Massol has published an article explaining how the XWiki project has switched from using CLIRR to using Revapi for automatically ensuring API backward compatibility. ...

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